Saturday, February 23, 2013

Our Lovely Planet and Us

We live in a planet called Earth. It is the planet we all are born and living by breathing the air. Earth is what makes all the living things move around by becoming active and live freely. The reason Earth has living things like us is because it's located in the Goldylocks zone. There  are maybe other planets in the universe that may  have living things like us but we still have not discovered it yet but used our telescopes to find some evidence of proof of our distant neighbors. It is interesting that we came along in this planet and started a mass civilization by dominating our planet and building spaceships to finally get out of the planet to dominate what we find in outer space. It really feels like we are the ones that seems to be dominating every other living things and no one seems to dominate us. I wonder why?

Life in our planet all started out with cells then they transformed into bacteria. The bacteria begins to multiply and multiply to trillions. Many other kinds of cells began to evolve and form into plants, fungi,and different species of cells. Later on came the animals first started as Tadpoles swimming in the water and evolving from there. The animals started evolving and they turn into birds, mammals, reptiles, sea creatures, and etc. This is how life evolves in our planet!!! It is very interesting to see all these changes the Earth has gone through and when we "humans" came along, we changed everything!!! From that perspective, it is very interesting to see the science of our planet and what nature does to create many things!!!

When we humans came along, we try to adapt through the environment. We started to become very intelligent by going through evolution through evolution. At the end of our evolution, we became regular humans and became civilized. We started to create this mass civilization and we adapt to that environment. We started to create religion and believe on what we believe. Later on we began to create governments, so they can guide and establish our society and take care of the people. Then we began to explore the world and conquering many places. We spread all over the planet and lived peacefully and violently. Then came along science. Science has changed humanity forever. Science has changed us because we want to see reality and find the truth all by seeing through our observation with our eyes. Science lead to making our greatest inventions we made through history. Science created technology and that is what we humans are living with right now!!!!

This is a great example of how fascinating our planet is with creating beautiful life forms!!! This kind of living substance is called molds. Molds is in the fungi family. Usually molds live on places like the food in your refrigerator. They usually live there because they live on dead organic matter and they grow rapidly from it. The molds can also relate to many things it involves to our planet. Molds can be a good thing and it also can be a bad thing as well. Molds play important roles in biotechnology so it can benefit us. We make alcoholic beverages, enzymes, medicines,
and many other things it can do out of type of molds called yeasts. Molds can also do bad things like giving diseases to other living things. It causes many health problems to us especially if we are allergic to it!!! Molds can be pretty toxic when they form in very large quantities. That is how molds can be deadly if they are in large quantities!!!

These pictures shows the molds living on food which stayed on the fridge for a very long period of time. If the food is kept there for months and years, the molds will take over everything which is in the food. It will feed on dead matter because of the type of food the molds stay on. This is life people!!! Don't you see how fascinating it looks because it's not just us that matters, it's the every other single living things that surrounds us which make our planet a very interesting place to be on!!!! The molds surrounding the food is an interesting example on how valuable our planet is when observing any specific life form and seeing the miracle beauty of nature in it!!!

Now look at these pictures at the top. What are these things? These are what you call a type of food we humans sometimes eat. It is called junk food. Junk foods are a man made type of food which can harm someone's health. It has been eaten by people especially during snack time. It is pretty cheap to buy and it is pretty tasty, but that tastiness we humans get addicted to can harm our health. Look at these ingredients above. It shows that it is made out of things like wheat, enriched flour, sugar, salt, scientific names like mononitrate, ribloflabin, maltodextrin, and etc. These stuff are man made, which means scientific experimented in the lab and we the people are the test subject and being experimented on!!!! It is very interesting that we eat these things and get addicted to it!!!!! That is why these junk food corporations make these cheap so more people can buy it!!!!!

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