Thursday, May 9, 2013

Technology..... Do we humans rely on it for any purpose?

Technology......What is technology? Technology is what we humans call our "creative inventions" which came from our extraordinary minds!!!! Technology is a very amazing thing because it is the most wonderful pieces of work that we have created. We use technology for many purposes. We use this for our daily lives!!!! Technology has change our lifestyle from time to time. We started evolving more and create new and better technology!!!!

We have invented these extraordinary inventions. It amazes us on how far we got through all these things we had created with our extraordinary minds!!! We went through from creating fire, kites, wagons, all the way to cars, computers, planes, space rockets, smartphones, and many other crazy things!!!!! To see these inventions we must see the science behind this and observe it. Here are the examples below:

We, or one of us created a light bulb. A light bulb is an energy that is stuck on this  bulb type object. Basically it is a miniature sun trapped in the bulb. There are many different kinds and shapes of light bulbs. Today we use lights over 90% if the time, especially at night or anywhere that is dark. The invention of the light all started with Thomas Edison in the late 1800's and that is where the whole idea of living a modern life took off!!!! Thomas Edison's experiment on creating the light bulb and putting it in the public changed the whole world and moved forward with other inventions of technology.  

We had invented cars and it has been around over 100 years!!!! It is the basic way of traveling to places. Everybody needs a car if they want to travel to farther places. Cars are very very impressive part of our inventions. We can make all kinds cars. It depends on how much power it has and the force of speed it can travel through. Cars have evolved a lot when it comes to the latest design or how much speed it can go. The latest cars have computers in them and GPS. These cars have all this technology in them. There are some things that cars need to improve on if they want to move forward. They need to improve on the ways they get energy. Today, most of the cars still rely on energy like fossil fuel. Fossil fuel is very
harmful and toxic to the environment. Still most of the car companies rely on fossil fuel. The oil companies are making big bucks out of these cars. We know that there are much better ways to get energy for the car to run!!!! If we want to move forward then we need alternative fuel energy to power up the cars. There are alternatives like bio-fuel, hydro-powered, solar-powered, and many other ways to fuel up the cars. It is what you call having clean energy!!!! It is without the use of fossil fuel
because fossil fuel is very toxic!!!!

Global Warming!!!! Why Didn't We Follow the Warning!!!

Look at our planet. Isn't it beautiful? This is where we came from. So, does our planet act the way it always act? It might act differently. But all we know is that we came from this planet and we are living on it. Our whole daily lives is what makes this planet alive. So what seems to be the problem? The problem is the fear of global warming. What causes global warming? Well, there is proof that we are the ones that is causing the global warming!!!! How come? Well, it has been said that the humans, which are us are letting off greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and destroying the ozone layer. These greenhouse gases are really harmful to the environment and it can cause sudden changes in the weather and climate. This is what you call that our planet Earth is smoking a lot and it started to have cancer!!!!

 Look at all these harmful fossil fuels burning!!!!! These pictures really show that Earth is smoking up cancer!!!! These are the ones that are causing the greenhouse gases. All those dirty carbon dioxide, monoxide, nitrous oxide, methane, and other vile stuff are spitting out in the air causing it to trap heat and destroying the ozone layer. It is a really a monstrous thing to see our own species acting out like this. It is amazing that our own species are excellent with doing incredibly amazing things like creating cutting edge technology, but there is a behavioral thing called money and politics that are stopping our own species to do these incredible amazing things, I wonder why....... hmmm, I always thought that our own species, we, the humans should know better!!!! Fossil fuels.... these poisonous vile substances are in the air in many parts of the world as we know it!!! As of right now, these poisonous vile substances are in the air, or atmosphere ripping violently through the ozone layer and trapping heat energy!!!! So what happens if the ozone layer gets destroyed? What happens to us? We may face the heat. It is going to affect the climate and we will see a dramatic change in our weather pattern.

And all that smog that we humans created are going to have that evil laugh and make fun of us for destroying our planet's environment!!!! It would also seem like we are destroying ourselves and it would be too late to stop on what we have just created. We would start to have health problems and go downhill. Everything in the air would be filled with poison and all the living things would die off from it!!!! The future is going to be bleak. It would be crazy!!! The earth would change forever because we might be responsible for this. All the
ice caps would start melting and the other animals
would suffer on what we have created!!!! The Earth would be destroyed by us because of our stupidity. But we are not stupid, we are intelligent. It is our behavioral activities that would be causing the destruction!!!! Yes, we may have some bad habits, but we have all this knowledge. We have the gift to do amazing things!!! We just need to use it 100%. Just push it above the limits!!! And do what is right for you, me, the other precious living things, the environment, and the whole world!!! The universe should be watching us and be pleased by winking its eye on us!!!!! We are what we are. We all have to come as one by sharing incredible ideas!!!! We are humans that have amazing gifts and we should use it the right way as the universe, the God intended us to do!!!!!  

Mass Extinction!!!! Is This Our Planet's Average Crisis?

How old is our planet Earth? Earth is 4.5 billion years
old. As to our knowledge, the Earth, which is our planet has a solid 100% proof of life forms, which including us. Throughout life on planet Earth, many living things suffers mass extinction when the time comes!!!! These living creatures on the right is what you call dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are these very huge reptile creatures that roam across the planet Earth. At one time these dinosaurs got extinct. Our proof is that the meteor came and wiped them all out in a matter of time!!!! Life then got adapted to other things and created new species. It is really amazing and interesting on how life changes and become new things.

What are these little creatures over here? These are what you call cockroaches. These little insects have an incredible huge number of population. They also had been around for a very long period of time like over 300 million years!!!! So are they going to get extinct? I really do not know because of what I know, cockroaches can live through anything!!!!! It has been said that cockroaches are the last living creatures to survive if all the other living creatures are extinct. People usually have cockroach problem in their homes and they have to call the exterminator to exterminate them. But these cockroaches always come back even stronger if you keep your home dirty.

What are these unique looking creatures walking with two legs? These creatures are us!!! These are what you call humans. We humans are by far the most dominating creatures on the planet when it comes to things like civilization and technology. We have been around for only 1 million years!!! Throughout time, we got adapted to the environment and created our society and built civilizations for our living environment. We make huge cities and built super-tall skyscrapers!!! We have created computers where the internet is our daily life!!! We went into outer-space like going to the moon, or building a space station, or sending satellites into deep-space!!!! Clearly we can do anything!!!! But we also have our dark side. We go through things like war, greed, violence, killing other species, hurting the environment, and many other things!!!! So, are we humans going to become extinct one day? I am really not sure, but all I know is that I am a human living my life for 22 years and experiencing my modern humanized world and what I see is going on through my eyes. And that is all I know.......

What is all this Garbage Pollution, is there any Solution?

Garbage..... What is garbage? Garbage is what people throw away. That is garbage. Garbage can be a nasty thing. Garbage can be a beautiful thing. Garbage can be a dirty thing. Garbage can be crazy thing. Garbage can also be a clean thing. I see garbage as everything. Garbage can be very smelly, beautiful, ugly, dirty, attractive, and anything you name it. Garbage is what you call a "universal" thing. But most people (humans) see garbage as a worthless piece of %#$! that needs to be sling-shotted out of this planet (world)!!! People throw garbage and it gets send into the dumpster or it gets recycled. People keep throwing more and more garbage and it gets filled up into the dumpster and when the dumpster is full, they have to ship it somewhere else that has a bigger dumpster. Then later on our planet will get smelly just as the majority of the people thought. Wow!!! Look at all these garbage. Doesn't it seem to please you? You living with the garbage. You and the garbage. Me and the garbage. Everyone and the garbage. So........What can we do with all those garbage. We can play around with the garbage. We can have a relationship with the garbage. We can talk to the garbage. We can sing with the garbage. We can sleep with the garbage. We can finally be the garbage!!!! I got an idea!!! Why don't we put these garbage in the garbage
disposal and a bio-digester. These inventions can help solve our problems of garbage pollution. We live in a world filled with inventions of great technology and we need to use this gigantic achievement of mankind and use it wisely so we can even learn to invent more greater things in the future. So, if we put our garbage into these great inventions wouldn't it benefit our world? Or would the majority of the people think "eww that's gross, what are you thinking putting that yucky smelly thing into that machine looking are one weird nasty person....I'm going to report this." So the majority of those people would say something like that because they maybe don't how science works because they probably weren't taught properly, but we'll be happy to educate them. So, the main solution is turning garbage into energy!!!! How fun is that!!!! So, you know what happens if there is too many garbage pollution and it is not maintained properly. If you live close to the dumpster there are very high chances you will get sick and get diseases. Living near a dumpster with a massive stench of garbage smell will have very high chances of health risks. You may also end up having respiratory problems like asthma because of the smell of these vile stuff!!! So we need to communicate with the garbage and talk spiritually to the garbage. We need to have this strong relationship with it, so we can finally realize what the garbage is really meant for. By using garbage for energy would be extremely convenient for us and our planet. The reason most of us aren't using garbage as energy is because of those criminals out there on the loose finding ways to make money. So yes, that is a major problem and we need to stop them before they cause to do more harm to our planet!!!! We as people need to show that using garbage as energy will put humanity on the right track and help save our planet!!!!! Garbage can do anything. Using garbage as energy can make electricity, make bio-fuel which is a good fuel for transportation, it can make us warm by making heating gas, it can obviously help reduce our pollution which is our solution, and it can do many other things we may discover in the near future. Basically, garbage is everything because it is a universal thing!!! You throw away things and it gets decomposed while the bacteria is eating it. Bacteria is also the main thing that makes a true garbage. So, why depend on these dirty looking fossil fuels where you have a thing called garbage to run your daily life!!!! It is right in front of you!!!!

Factories and power!

Can factories use clean power and avoid
contaminating our biosphere? What's this on the right? Is this some sort of factory? To me it is some four really huge tanks, which is in my neighborhood. It is very interesting that when I was about to take a picture of this factory very close, I read the sign and said WARNING.....DO NOT TAKE PICTURE OF THIS FACILITY OR PROPERTY!!!!! So I went really far like about a block and then took a picture of only the factory and nothing else private or personal they are hiding in there... I don't want to get in trouble by the law, I just want to take a picture for proof to help the sake of our planet. So this is a mysterious looking factory and I really wonder what is in there. Could it be just water storage, or are they holding natural gas, or uranium, or anything else we use for power....Or are they using these tanks something else that none of us know...Maybe they are hiding aliens to do some top secret experiment, but that's just me with my crazy thoughts!!! But I'm very curious of what is in there....Aren't you......

On this right you will see where I get my power, gas, and heat. You see things called water heaters. These things are found in my basement, and perhaps many other basements as well. So, What do these water heaters do? All I know is that this is a place in my basement where things like water heaters, the main power circuit, and the heating gas all comes from this area of my basement where I believe the main pipeline gives us all of these energy from under the basement. It is very interesting to see all these pipes zigzagging all over that area and just wondering if what do these pipes do. What are these small pipes carrying? Can they carry water, or bad water, or gasoline? This kind of system of seeing how things like these pipes work in my basement that only plumbers can know, and maybe they know the secret of where we get our energy. I also wonder where do they get all these energy. All I know is that I get my electric energy from Con-Edison and I have to pay for them, and I also have to pay for gas bills too.
This picture on the right is a label of an energy guide for the water heater. It shows a caution that this thing is hot and dangerous. It shows how much energy you can use. It also said how natural gas water heaters operate and it shows that how much this models cost. So, why are we depended on natural gas? Because sadly the majority of the household maybe in my neighbor hood have these kind of natural gas power heating systems!!! Yup!!! taking naturals gas from fossil fuels!!! It is an old thing!!! An old idea of the invention of mankind!!! This is very ancient comparing to the technology we are using now!!! Where are we living? In the 20th century? No!!! We are living in the 21st century!!! It is time to get many things updated!!! We have the technology right now to make things more efficient and science is the key to our solution, not greed!!!!!!